The elusive first film about that “new” disease of the 80s, AIDS. Quote: Gay-porn-director-turned-indie-film-maker Arthur Bressan (who also made ABUSE) deals directly with the subject of the disease by having David, a young typesetter (David Schachter) undertake volunteer work as a ‘buddy’ to visit AIDS patients in a New York hospital. His assignment is Robert (Geoff Edholm), w...$在骄傲游行当天看本片特别有意义,因为电影里有电视报道80年代同样的一天同样的一群人走上街头释放骄傲。主角是艾滋危机中一位出柜顺利、家庭和睦、感情稳定的青年,他来到同志服务中心做义工,陪伴那些无人看护的临终艾滋病患者,电影没有着重强调病患的痛苦和疾病的杀伤力,而是在用病人的经历改变主角的思维,让他打破长久以来自己生活的幸运的气泡——即“出柜与否是自己的事与他人无关”,在艾滋危机中不仅要互相成为“bu...$2020/10/9$+0.5 对酷儿影史意义深远 It's the sort of pain everyone has to bear yet few chooses to reflect upon.$I am still confused...$MUBI