Matthew's heart stopped beating on the tattoo parlour table. Now, his parents hold their dying boy. But in their hands they also hold the fates of others: the promise of new lives, and death postponed. With astonishing access and remarkable intimacy, Memento Mori carries us headlong into a world of hope lost, and hope returned. An elegy to the beauty of life in the shadow of de...$人间世$生命无常,生命伟大$今天我在医院送别你,一如过去我在医院迎接你的到来。$心脏跳动,呼吸自主,皮肤尚有温度。手指感知,眼睛看见,跑跳皆能随心。因为有生命力的活着太是人生的常态了,所以我们经常忘记自己终有一死。$馬修的故事就像看著一朵花完美綻放,最輝煌的時刻,也是花瓣綻放至極、行將凋落、華彩化入風中之時。生命誠可貴,生命誠可貴,也許保持生命終會終結的意識,我們就可以更好地欣賞和珍惜「活著」這件事。為了那些消逝的人,懷著一顆鮮活的心痛快地活著。