Popular, long-running Saturday night variety show of the mid-to-late 1960's, originating from the Hollywood Palace Theater (formerly the El Capitan) on Hollywood Boulevard. There was a revolving guest host, usually a singer or comedian, each week. Bing Crosby was the most frequent guest host (including, of course, the Christmas Week show), but other frequent guest hosts include...$作为美国经典综艺节目,里面有许多综艺元素是现在综艺节目无法企及的,有大象表演,踢踏舞表演脱口秀表演,歌剧表演,独唱表演,最让我惊奇的是里面充满年代感的广告画面,虽然表达十分直接,但体现当时人们对物质生活追求与向往,四星