Unraveling one of the biggest environmental scandals of our time, a group of citizens in West Virginia take on a powerful corporation after they discover it has knowingly been dumping a toxic chemical — now found in the blood of 99.7% of Americans — into the local drinking water supply. A group of citizens in West Virginia challenges a powerful corporation to more environmental...$含有全氟辛烷磺酸,全氟辛酸,聚四氟乙烯的不粘锅最好别用,强致癌物……$以为是某个公众号瞎编,还真的有这部片子,找来一看,妈呀。。赶紧换了无涂层的锅,唉。。果壳还有个脑残强行科普特氟龙在“正常”使用的情况下无害,只要低于250度。谁特么能保证使用过程中始终低于250度,爆炒一下不就超了??更何况图层还特别容易掉??对于一个排出体外的半衰期达到5-8年的物质来说,基本上等于越积越多。$除了冠状病毒生物属性的危害之外,化学危害物质对我们的生活环境和民众健康的威胁也潜伏良久。$Jamie: 3600种衍生物里只有三十多种有深入研究。能怎样呢,愿我们与欲望共同进化吧。$污染难防,人们总是后知后觉,无解啊