A tale of two knights – experienced Willibrord and young, mysterious Unnamed, who set off to christen a small pagan village hidden deep in the mountains. Despite the differences in their worldviews and perspectives on religion, the two men become travel companions and create a somewhat father-son relationship. At the village, the pagans put the newcomers’ beliefs to a test. Soo...$Olivier De Sagazan當薩滿。$宗教的疯狂$宗教世界观最大的问题在于如果神存在,那么意味着祂一直保持沉默,毫不作为,既然如此信神的意义就像是自慰,甚至还不如。$善意与耐心变成了杀戮和憎恨,宗教是统治者的武器,传教是手段,上帝的剑是杀人工具,救人还是杀人,扔掉十字架才自由。整体氛围非常痛苦难忍。所有人都陷入歇斯底里,每一场仪式将人变得更疯狂。宗教是病魔来源,真正强大的人才有资格去信仰自己的神,但其实重点不在于神,而在于权力和规则。再也看不见了,因为神已经不存在。拍的挺有风格,运镜不断在体现一种疯魔,水蓝的色调让人窒息,火的颜色是毁灭性的。$抽象