In this fascinating documentary, historian Bettany Hughes travels to the seven wonders of the Buddhist world and offers a unique insight into one of the most ancient belief systems still practised today. Buddhism began 2,500 years ago when one man had an amazing internal revelation underneath a peepul tree in India. Today it is practised by over 350 million people worldwide, wi...$#公开探索BBC# 044 4.5 印度摩诃菩提寺:佛教三宝之佛宝;尼泊尔博德纳佛塔:三宝之僧宝与法宝;斯里兰卡佛牙寺:业;泰国卧佛寺:轮回;柬埔寨吴哥窟:冥想;香港天坛大佛:禅;洛杉矶西来寺:涅槃。$三星半吧$主持人没什么深度,不过嘉宾都很给力,特别是比丘尼们。新世界的到来一定是由女性的觉醒开始的。$取景漂亮啊,而且知识也很丰富。$某人的爹也在里面,感兴趣的同学可以观摩一下~