Joan Jett is so much more than “I Love Rock ’n’ Roll.” It’s true, she became mega-famous from the number-one hit, and that fame intensified with the music video’s endless play on MTV. But that staple of popularity can’t properly define a musician. Jett put her hard work in long before the fame, ripping it up onstage as the backbone of the hard-rock legends The Runaways, influen...$从Seattle回上海的飞机上看的,前面挺平铺直叙地写实,看到最后还是有点想哭。热爱摇滚。$琼姨!$Yo! I love Rock'n Roll!!!$什么时候能被大众评价是个很棒的摇滚歌手而不是摇滚女歌手?$60-90 一去不复返 时代只会越来越烂