Paul Hollywood rekindles his baking roots as he travels the globe in search of the family bakeries, corner delis and luxury hotels which have created the baking heritage of entire cities. During these city breaks, Paul is inspired once again to produce delicious recipes in the very place they originated as he goes "back to the floor" in hotel kitchens, rediscovers family recipes and meets new baking heroes from around the world. Paul Hollywood rekindles his baking roots as he travels the globe in search of the family bakeries, corner delis and luxury hotels which have created the baking heritage of entire cities. During these city breaks, Paul is inspired once again to produce delicious recipes in the very place they originated as he goes "back to the floor" in hotel kitchens, rediscovers family recipe...$Paul Hollywood himself is basically food porn.$只做过饺子,最近才开始用酵母做发面的馒头,打算周末试一下包子。看这个片子,就是想熟悉一下做面包、蛋糕的大概原理。发现西方人对各种成分的配比比较上心,用秤、量杯准确计量,但看了几个西方美食真人秀,发现制作起蛋糕、面包,他们反倒是放开了手脚,大概隐藏的精确都已经内化为他们的习惯,可能在我这个外行看起来比较随意。想象一下,西方人看我们中国人做各种馅料的饺子,饺子皮有不同颜色,然后蒸啊、煮啊、煎啊,一时半...$看得好爽 paul可爱到翻天 看他吃蛋糕真是享受$保罗大叔的节目都很棒$可供简略考据