Paul Hollywood rekindles his baking roots as he travels the globe in search of the family bakeries, corner delis and luxury hotels which have created the baking heritage of entire cities. During these city breaks, Paul is inspired once again to produce delicious recipes in the very place they originated as he goes "back to the floor" in hotel kitchens, rediscovers family recipe...$看得好爽 paul可爱到翻天 看他吃蛋糕真是享受$看完精神上就胖十斤了,但是心甘情愿。明珠台有引进翻译粤语版……配音比原声带感(引诱人想吃)$好多糕点都想学做。$重复的内容有点多啊,Paul大叔果然是个老好人各种面包蛋糕都说好,非常想去看看比白金汉宫好无数倍的冬宫………$可供简略考据