叶甫盖尼·奥涅金"The Metropolitan Opera HD Live" Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin(2013)



导演:Deborah Warner 

主演:Anna Netrebko Mariusz Kwiecien 




圣彼得堡的贵族青年奥涅金,曾经有过和一般贵族青年相似的奢靡生活,但他逐渐开始厌倦上流社会的空虚无聊,抱着对新生活的向往来到乡村。然而,华而不实的贵族教育没有任何帮助,奥涅金四处碰壁,整日苦闷彷徨。在乡下的庄园,他和连斯基及其未婚妻奥尔迦成为好友。奥尔迦的姐姐塔吉扬娜纯朴 、多情,爱上了奥涅金,并勇敢地写信向他倾诉自己纯洁的爱情,但遭到拒绝。经历重重波折之后,二人再次相遇,当年他拒绝她的爱,再遇才知真情谁属,然而一切已物是人非…… When Deborah Warner’s production of Eugene Onegin opened the Met season in 2013, soprano Anna Netrebko had only recently begun singing the role of Tatiana; however, when she returned to the part at the Met a few years later, her dramatic approach, like that of the character herself, had grown over time. With a smoldering vocal performance, Netrebko embodies the nuanced aspects of Tatiana’s personality—growing from a girl in the blossom of youth into an elegant, cosmopolitan princess. Opposite her, Peter Mattei sings the title role, a nonplussed aristocrat who discovers the power of love too late, with a rich, supple baritone. As the ardent poet Lenski, bright-voiced tenor Alexey Dolgov offers a heartbreaking portrayal. Elena Maximova is Lenski’s carefree lover Olga, and bass Stefan Kocán delivers a moving performance as the aging Prince Gremin. Maestro Robin Ticciati leads the Met Orchestra and Chorus in a textured reading of Tchaikovsky’s beloved score. Cast & Creative CONDUCTOR Robin Ticciati TATIANA Anna Netrebko LENSKY Alexey Dolgov ONEGIN Peter Mattei GREMIN Stefan Kocán http://www.metopera.org/season/on-demand/opera/?upc=811357019443
  圣彼得堡的贵族青年奥涅金,曾经有过和一般贵族青年相似的奢靡生活,但他逐渐开始厌倦上流社会的空虚无聊,抱着对新生活的向往来到乡村。然而,华而不实的贵族教育没有任何帮助,奥涅金四处碰壁,整日苦闷彷徨。在乡下的庄园,他和连斯基及其未婚妻奥尔迦成为好友。奥尔迦的姐姐塔吉扬娜纯朴 、多情,爱上了奥涅金,并勇敢地写信向他倾诉自己纯洁的爱情,但遭到拒绝。经历重重波折之后,二人再次相遇,当年他拒绝她的爱,再遇才知真情谁属,然而一切已物是人非……   When Deborah Warner’s production of Eugene Onegin opened the Met season in 2013, soprano Anna Netrebko had only recently begun singing the role of Tatiana; however...$广州百丽宫。女主真能唱,体力好好。$妈的,整个一场就是奢华享受,要是能去看一场现场,还得了?!话说奥涅金整个一个丧气浪荡青年啊,还挺现代的啊~$最后一幕,Tatiana修炼成女神后,再遇到曾经拒绝伤害过她的Onegin,看得人真有复仇快感啊...$布景好评;塔吉亚娜女高换气声音太明显,而且声音比较单薄;夫人和麽麽声音略颤了,可以遥想年轻的时候;奥涅金男中浑厚,最后act3的高音是最有表现力的一段;连斯基一直瞄他的小本本,act2决斗是柴可夫斯基出品的基;王子男高棒极了;act3真是全剧精华~$看了波舞台剧,是好看的~魅力和米国人的不一样,比想象中有趣。喜欢舞台的复杂度。


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