Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown is an American travel and food show on CNN. Its premier date was April 14, 2013. In the show, Anthony Bourdain travels to places that are unknown to most people. 好可惜啊,美食节目光靠主持帅酷能用塑料美国口音念全所有菜名就够了?真是不满意Anthony Bourdain,帅是帅,好歹自己也是个大厨,还吃遍天下,形容食物除了good就是delicious,我给你两巴掌噢,气死,白瞎了精心准备的内容和食物。$why can't food bring all the joy$01. Myanmar, 02. Los Angeles(韩国城), 03. Colombia, 05. Morocco (Tangiers), 06. Libya, 07. Peru, 08. Congo (缺第四集魁北克$The first episode about Myanmar is impressive, presenting colorful food with traumatic footage from the past. Dark moments peak here and there throughout the season. Bourdain spoke sassy words, but he...$1️⃣Myanmar 2️⃣Los Angeles 3️⃣Colombia 4️⃣Quebec 5️⃣Morocco (Tangier) 6️⃣Libya 7️⃣Peru 8️⃣Congo【缺6】