1970s roller-skate jams fuel this coming-of-age comedy, as X (Bow Wow) and his friends, who rule their local rink, are shocked when their home base goes out of business. Heading over to the Sweetwater Roller Rink, they find their modest talents are, at first, no competition for their trick skaters and pretty girls who follow their every move. 几年前看过的Bow Wizzle的一部片,真地很想像片中的少年们一般生活。$一部没有多少野心的电影,但却是我难得看的进去的歌舞片。虽然是街舞为主,但是引入了轮滑之后确实很棒。78年的背景,令人惊讶的是怎么那么多白人和他们玩到一块?不管怎么说,演员真实的轮滑水准令人惊讶。剧情上比较纠结,到处浅尝辄止,没有多少笔墨在描写他们如何练习的,家庭矛盾的化解也是轻轻带过。$满满的fashion~$这并不是什么怀旧电影,因为没有做一丁点去挖掘七十年代精神内核的尝试 ;本质上是给黑人街舞电影配上双溜冰鞋,做一点程度有限的创新就满足了。$意外惊喜。嘴炮打得漂亮!