A magical drama about the lives of those who survived the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. War widow Ruvejda is living at the Belvedere refugee camp on the edge of town. She patiently waits to find the remains of her family in the mass graves they have unearthed. Combining realism and elements of stylization, the film offers a compelling indictment of events of the recent past. 劇情和裝置並行不悖,斯雷布雷尼察大屠殺的陰影籠罩著每一個人。塞爾維亞綜藝節目“老大哥”表面上顯得突兀,但是其實可以視為“能否安置過去,全身心投入現實(哪怕是荒謬)”的一個彩色符號。$三星半。黑白影像在形式上有追求