After a series of upsetting romantic setbacks, Dolore is slowly beginning to embrace a positive relationship with her new boyfriend, Riun, with a generous dose of trepidation. But, when Dolore introduces Riun to her best friend, Sinead, and discovers that they have a less-than-platonic personal history, Dolore's insecurity and interpersonal fears get kicked into hyperdrive and ...$敏感恋爱,看完就删$把文艺女青年的多愁善感以及拧巴娇气刻画得活灵活现$我怀疑女主的男朋友和闺蜜也都是她自己幻想出来的!!!$故事不完整$好在片子短,没有同感,可能是年纪大了不能理解那些小心思了吧