Featured cities for the season include Chicago, Dublin, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Paris, Philadelphia, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Toronto, and Taipei.
明显感觉tony第二季力不从心了 士气不高,主要还是和编剧、节目组弄别扭,连在左下角的倒计时都抱怨了好多次。还有衣服在拍摄过程中因为continuity不能换,其实他下个月要有一个book/talk tour来houston一天。感觉也是为了圈钱不得不弄的,骗南部的redneck 我就不凑这热闹了$两季下来觉得truly something amazing, but still locals, English-speaking countries, almost all american places are drink towns, and this guy, he is bitching, behaving as a rich white douche, he knew u like i...$明显第二季预算不够了 在芝加哥这都吃的什么玩意儿啊