Months after they broke up, Gunnar receives a strange phone call from his ex-boyfriend, Einar. He sounds distraught, like he's about to do something terrible to himself. Gunnar drives up to the secluded cabin where Einar is holed up and soon discovers that there's more going on than he imagined. As the two men come to terms with their broken relationship, some other person seem...$在讲什么???$剧情不差,再精简点就好了。$看看自然景观与色调。$剧情有点乱,基本上靠氛围撑着了,未知的不安营造的很好。$23.08.2018 主题:为爱痴狂,为爱追凶。可圈可点:温习了冰岛的山山水水,小细节填补的很有意思。缺点:扣掉两星,纯粹因为神经大条女邻居第一次敲门的桥段,之后就只有惊吓没有悬疑了。