Once upon there where two friends: Joaquin and David. Two friends at a difficult time of their lives, travelling to Mar del Plata. At the same time, Elena and Lautaro (husband and wife) also where travelling to Mar del Plata. Lautaro just finished writing an astounding novel. 'Amazing' would be his answer if you ask him his opinion about the novel. Joaquin and Elena where a cou...$我开着车你放着歌,说什么不能放手,那是我与你的孽缘。情节会让我不经意想到午夜巴塞罗那。基基复基基的相爱相杀,似乎连ONS都带着对方的恨,如此这般,众人退下成全。$一对儿丧友,旅游海岛放纵爱情轻小品。玩相机叙述有意思。$两个死党,海滩遇到的那个女孩有意思。和作家的争论也是神来之笔。$幼稚可笑 。$离婚?吵架?伤心也不过是一时 一点儿不耽误找乐子