Doctor Who - Terror of the Autons(1971)


导演:Barry Letts 编剧:Robert Holmes

主演:乔恩·帕特维 Roger Delgado Nicholas  




The Master arrives on Earth at a circus run by a man named Rossini and steals a dormant Nestene energy unit from a museum. He reactivates it using a radio telescope and uses his hypnotic abilities to take control of a small plastics firm run by the Farrel family, where he organises the production of deadly Auton dolls, chairs and daffodils. Humanoid Auton dummies distribute the daffodils - designed to spray a suffocating plastic film over their victim's mouth and nose - by giving them away free to members of the public in a fake promotional campaign. The Master plans to activate the flowers with a signal from the radio telescope, which he will then use to bring the main Nestene Consciousness to Earth. The Doctor manages to persuade the Master that the Nestenes will have no further use for him once they arrive. The two Time Lords then work together to send the Consciousness back into space.
  The Master arrives on Earth at a circus run by a man named Rossini and steals a dormant Nestene energy unit from a museum. He reactivates it using a radio telescope and uses his hypnotic abilities to take control of a small plastics firm run by the Farrel family, where he organises the production of deadly Auton dolls, chairs and daffodils.   Humanoid Auton dummies distribute the...$其实不喜欢Master这个设定的,把the Monk抛弃了。只有一集还好,整季以Master为主线把一些故事中的核心想法都变成了Master这个主线的陪衬,不过怎样也比新版第五季的裂缝要好太多了。$Master来了!解释说博士和准将形成类似福尔摩斯/华生的关系,所以需要一个他们的Moriarty。结果一整季幕后黑手都是马,确实有点疲劳,还每次被博士一问就兴冲冲把自己计划都倒出来了有点好笑。新同伴Jo也废物时刻过多。ep4外星殖民和挖矿公司的人类内斗故事有点意思,其他每一集都是某个需要附形的外星生物通过Master搞事,或吸收邪念,或吸收能量,或吸收信仰。动作戏还挺多,依然没钱请动作指导。19...$这个故事的新女伴有点傻但是很可爱,准将一如既往地眼神微妙和博士互怼,以及没有人能拒绝Delgado!没有人!!他太好看了!!然而最后居然是法师跟博士在最后关头联手阻止了塑料人......这种搞事为表调情为里的既视感是怎么回事......果然类人猿搞不懂你们Time Lord......


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