“The English word LOVE is not really a word anymore. It’s used for so many different platforms and situations that its shape and the lines of its letters have come to be recognised as a picture in itself”, explains director Réka Bucsi. Beyond all universal notions of love, in this film she depicts situations, moments, and tableaux vivants that with humour and surreal imagery - ...$昨晚最喜欢的还是这部$Wired 爱 复苏又死亡$很有创意的动画片,生长,分解,合二为一,彼此吞噬,消融……生命的 Cube 不一定是美好,亦是残暴的,爱是什么,是星辰还是猫的一个梦,一个玻尔兹曼大脑?$导演的NO.42就非常喜欢。运用超现实的图像语言勾画出外部空间和内在世界的联系,呈现的是万物生灵内部灵魂的平等,整个宇宙空间内All turned into one的transcendence.$对情感的哲思映射成二次元直观的视觉冲击,喜欢。