英国广播公司2台 - 爱德华农场BBC Two - Edwardian Farm(2010)


导演:Naomi Benson Stuart Elliott Chris Marshall Chris Mitchell 

主演:Rupert Acton Peter Ginn Ruth G 


  Following the hugely successful Victorian Farm, archaeologists Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn and domestic historian Ruth Goodman return to experience life on an Edwardian farm. Setting up home at Morwellham Quay, in Devon, the intrepid trio have to get to grips with the trials and tribulations of life at the turn of the 20th century. From investigating the impact of water-power...$感觉德文郡果然富庶了很多啊,这个时候种地以外的其他副业反而好像收入比较多了$很有趣的片子,两个社会学家和一个历史学家按照爱德华时代的方式经营农场,为期一年。从种草莓,采集水仙延铁路送到全国各地,到驯马,加上漂亮的英国乡间风景,很可以一看。


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