On 11th January 2008, hired by the City of Cleveland, lawyer Josh Cohen and his team filed a lawsuit against 21 banks, which they held accountable for the wave of foreclosures that had left their city in ruins. Since then, the bankers on Wall Street have been fighting by with all available means to avoid going to court. This film is the story of that trial. A film about a trial...$2010/12/11 9:30pm HKFA$这就是西方的维权吗。$看完电影翻出How Michael Osinski helped build the bomb that blew up wall street的文章看了看,写得相当简洁易懂$Un vrai procès pas vraiment vrai, YY终极呈现,月收入1400美刀却连26000的房贷都还不出,那国人还都活不活了,lebron james 都走了,还有啥好说的。。。$擦,我对豆瓣这sb的审查机制绝望了。全文在http://dingding-littlespot.blogspot.com/2010/08/cleveland-vs-wall-street.html