Rik Boskamp, the son of a nerdy accountant, wants only one thing in life: not to be bullied anymore. Inspired by a mafia film, he comes up with a plan. He will make sure they move house and that his Dad becomes known in their new village as notorious mafia boss Paulo Boskampi. The plan works! Rikki Boskampi no longer gets bullied, everyone is afraid of Paulo and treats him with...$很棒棒了,还以为最后会是美式心灵鸡汤大团圆结局,但是这部电影有自己的处理方式。$今年在Sundance 最大的收获! 整个观影时间全场从头笑到尾,笑点十足且新颖。按说笑点这么足可以忽略逻辑和三观,偏偏三观和逻辑还正的不行!小gangster也是帅到不行! 演技完全震惊了我,这孩子绝对前途无量。 推荐!强烈推荐!!!!$相当有意思的剧情,作死的剧情居然还非常通顺,三条主线也各自都非常清晰且合理。当然退休警察的部分还是太偶是幽默装得有点过。整体非常幽默。$De Boskampi's$片尾曲好听~