Five year old Amy and her Mum are divided in grief for Dad, occupying very separate worlds in their struggle to cope. But whilst Mum sinks into numb solitude, Amy seeks a more magical escape that ultimately has its own perils. 幼儿成长过程中监护不周的反面教材$#观影手记# 1291 面对丈夫的早逝,寡妇茫然麻木。孤独的小女孩一次次在濒死体验中与亡父相遇。看完最大的感想其实是:对于小孩子来讲,世界真的好险恶,顺顺利利养大个小娃不容易。$水下的拥抱我竟然想起金基德《鳄鱼藏尸日记》里水底的拥吻。揪心的想念、挠人的成长。$Is life always this hard.Or is it just when you're a kid?$濒死的体验,用死来感受生,寄托对故人的思念