This is a tale of manhood about to erode two pubescent males. While always hanging out in the crevasses of Punta Dumalog to escape poverty, Rabat (Brian Monterola) and Allen (Allen Lumanod) also find solace, dent their friendship and shape their orientations in life. Imburnal was rated X by the MTRCB. It recently won the Lino Brocka Grand Prize, at the Digital Lokal category of...$主角是一条暗渠,人都是它命里的临演;抱歉我没看下去。不快进看完的观众,你们牛🐮$總之我就是受不了,好不好,看了一小時發現我比較想在咖啡廳過一個愉快的下午$三个多小时的电影,节奏怎么这么慢啊,看了半个小时完全没有讲什么东西,这译名还是挺可爱的,真心看不下去了,还是不推荐大家看了,没啥意思 - -