天才透纳:工业革命的描绘者The Genius of Turner: Painting the Industrial Revolution(2013)




主演:萨缪尔·韦斯特 Thomas Coombes 


  A film that looks at the genius of JMW Turner in a new light. There is more to Turner than his sublime landscapes - he also painted machines, science, technology and industry. Turner's life spans the Industrial Revolution, he witnessed it as it unfolded and he painted it. In the process he created a whole new kind of art. The programme examines nine key Turner paintings and sho...$片中特意提到一点,透纳入读皇家艺术研究院学校时,Royal Academy和Royal Society都驻在Somerset House里,两家同屋为邻几十年。试想透纳在这边厅里操着伦敦方言局促不安地讲透视画法,一墙之隔是他的好朋友法拉第眉飞色舞地讲电磁感应,这种艺术和科学水乳交融的场景,浪漫又牛逼。$"This, then, is JMW Turner, Britain's great Romantic landscape painter, who delivered to us a visionary story of the Industrial Revolution. Who painted nature, and at the same time revealed the wonder...$前期受克洛德洛兰的影响描绘“光影”,后期受工业时代的驱使描绘“气氛”,前后不变的是创作的激情。可以和迈克李的《透纳先生》一起看,组个套餐。$时代风貌、气质与心声的画像$早期蒸汽朋克。


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