RECONCILIATION is a groundbreaking, provocative story about an estranged father and son struggling to overcome the heartbreaking consequences of their past. Grant Taylor (Eric Nenninger) has been troubled by intense childhood memories ever since his wife, Sara (Chelsey Crisp), gave him the exciting news..."You are going to be a dad!" As fatherhood nears, Grant privately wrestle...$因为爱,还有什么不能原谅。你不过是人,不要爱得太迟,等到天上相拥。$God,Gay,两者总是密不可分阿$好帅的爹啊$虽然年轻时候长得像斯大林一样的父亲帅晕了而儿子在他面前一个萌点也找不出来此片还是很值得一看;另外那只打着没有针头的针的手太假了都晚期了可以拿掉么$剧情简单到让人发指,但是最后还是泪崩了...老爸帅死了有没有儿子丑多了!!!三星吧两星给帅老爸~~ PS.宗教成分太多了我都快进了