Helen Stoner needs the great man's help. She lives in a country mansion with her flamboyant and sinister guardian Grimesby Raylott, who has travelled abroad and brought home some souvenir livestock. Recently her sister Julia, about to be married and made by Raylott to sleep in a bed that was screwed to the floor, died in mysterious circumstances. Her final words referred to a "...$Nigel Stock在黑白电影版里德华生形象远好于后来的彩色版,Douglas Wilmer版福尔摩斯很可爱,脸上总是带着点困惑的表情~$为什么福尔摩斯禁得起反复改编?推理过程的扎实远超其他人(包括阿婆),因此百看不厌。$原来是64年的!那么古老!场景很典雅,很复古。女主低沉的嗓音真是印象深刻。但还只是个小案子罢了。Holmes直接把凶手了结了真是值得商榷。$海伦好好看呜呜呜,DW和NS的组合还行……