The story runs in the 1940s Mexico City. A schoolboy (Carlos) falls in love with his best friend's mother (Mariana). Carlos is impressed because this family is not like the ordinary mexican families of the time, because they have many expensive American things, although they are not rich. The drama begins when Carlos gets out of school to go to declare his love to Mariana, and ...$84.33$已发电影@幽灵哥佑佑$题外话是跟这个电影有解释不清的因缘巧合……世界太神奇了$玛丽安娜$车胎被戳漏气了的红色轿车,红色果汁,红色的化妆盒盖,蠕动着的红色火车,喷洒在玛丽安娜身上的红色番茄酱,红色小船,解剖小兔用的粘了鲜红血液的小刀,红色短裤,红色和服,红色沙发,教堂红色帷幕,红色桃子,触电。