It's 1974 and 15 year-old Danny is our guide through the ups and downs of life with the Baker family. With eldest daughter Sharon's wedding looming and the docks facing closure, times are challenging. So too are Danny's attempts to get closer to the opposite sex. Full of humour, warmth and drama Cradle To Grave is based on actual events and characters. Dad Fred (Peter Kay) is k...$第一集的这个"打脸"应该终生难忘了$BGM炸了哈哈哈,生活在七十年代的英国简直福利$试问谁不想花一英镑买一张pink floyd的月之暗面$非常轻快的生活小品,「喜剧里没有坏人」。以此反观我自己的原生家庭,至少我的爸爸是个始终正直、一生勤劳、不贪便宜的人。而你以为男孩子从生致死都不够成熟,那是因为他们一直在成长啊。$又是一部几百人评分的高分剧,重点展示了底层人民的市侩虚伪和各种低俗下作的桥段。还有几个性激素分泌过剩的青春期男女的爱情故事。为了还原那个年代,提高色彩饱和度,反而显得更加廉价了。