Detective Guy Johnson's client, Willie Heywood is framed for murder and while Guy hides him so he can catch the real killer, both of them are nabbed by the police, tried, convicted and sentenced to jail -- Guy for a year, Willie to be executed. On the way to jail Guy comes across a clue and escapes from the police... 3.5+ 我的亲娘来,真的是笑到头掉了...太好笑了...考尔白演screwball真的好二好吵好疯,有被可爱到!一开始不是太能get到这对搭档也对案情云里雾里,结果越看越好看越来越搞笑,就没有哪段是不搞笑的,去摘苹果跨栅栏考尔白跨不过去吉米像抱一个狗一样把她横着拿过去了我笑到巅峰,倒回去看了好几遍!吉米为了伪装身份好几次转换口音也把我笑死,天啊旁边人是怎么做到不笑场的,我真的笑到想吐了!吉米这角...$已将该片生肉上传B站外网唯一种子链接虽然只能下到85%,但是还能看到结尾,整个电影的故事结构连贯流畅,叙事手法中规中矩,有点像一夜风流的感觉$The cutest desperado and the craziest poetess, I swear by my eyes.$一米九的童子军哈哈哈哈 笑死$卧槽啊啊啊啊 怎么可以这么可爱 考尔白啊啊啊啊啊