Fine Manners is a 1926 American black-and-white silent comedy film directed initially by Lewis Milestone and completed by Richard Rosson for Famous Players-Lasky/Paramount Pictures. After an argument with actress Gloria Swanson, director Milestone walked off the project, causing the film to be completed by Rosson, who had picked up directorial tricks while working as an assista...$在Gloria把第一位导演Lewis Milestone吵走以后由Richard Rosson接手完成。这是Gloria事业上一次巨大的成功,当时主流媒体一片赞誉("Gloria's triumph")。Gloria的眼睛,言语无法形容。不过《纽约时报》也很客观地提了一句本片剧情真无聊。 四星给Gloria。$$#She's A Little Cold,But So Is Ice Cream# 'Ain't Love Awful':噼里啪啦的响声是挣断线的塑料珍珠的狂欢,隔着透明玻璃的是不知道适合哪只洋娃娃的鞋,我不确定叫'安娜贝尔'的跳蚤最后有没有顺利回家,镜子里的倒影在发出无力的呐喊,我听得一清二楚,可我帮不了忙,我现在困在地下商场抓娃娃机的面前,想着要不要给自己,不是给别人,抓一个娃娃看看 Cast...