(本片中文字幕由 光合作用字幕组 制作) Toby Buckland explores the use of peat and its alternatives in gardening. The government has a target that growing media should be 90 per cent peat-free by 2010. Toby talks to gardeners who are passionate about using the material, and also meets the environmentalists who campaign for preserving peat bogs. 泥炭土vs园艺,也是一个关于环保问题中 环保组织-政府政策-企业-个人 各方关系的故事。(本人添加的条目,OL:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY4NTQ0NTUy.html)$极速前进25季某集里挖的东西原来是泥炭啊,现在泥炭贵,用椰糠种植成本也会降低不少,不过确实需要加腐殖土才能和泥炭天然的肥基一体相比。$看下来泥炭也就有育苗阶段有些必要性。天朝泥炭好的都是进口,本来就贵,下次买点椰糠试试~$关于园艺种植土和环保。