Ella Fitzgerald: Something to Live For(1999)



导演:Charlotte Zwerin 编剧:Charlotte Zwerin

主演:Ella Fitzgerald Ray Brown Jr.  


  This exciting, 86-minute video of Ella Fitzgerald's life and career, directed by Charlotte Zwerin, highlights aspects of her private life and combines that personal story with extensive footage of some of her early performances. Narrated by Tony Bennett, and containing excerpts from her long interview with Andre Previn, the bio ranges widely in time and place, filling in import...$被所有人成为爵士女王的Ella,从出道到最后的演出,始终保留着那份“A tisket A tasket”的天真烂漫。加上她那“爵遍万物”的超凡能力,Ella的爵士乐永远让人体验着生命的喜悦。$Ella Fitzgerald唱的#Over The Rainbow# 是我最喜欢的版本,没有之一$如同Carlos Kleiber帅气的指挥永远是乐史库中的财富,Ella的Swing亦无人能出其右。其宽广、醇厚的声线和优雅、幽默的摇摆,确乎影响了其后所有的爵士艺人。本片采访了Ella的玩伴、挚友和儿子,由Tony Bennett担任旁白,集合了不少珍贵的影像资料。$“爵遍万物”


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