(Khaled Degwy) who are enrolled in one of the terrorist groups that the killings, believing they are fighting for the sake of God, and when his brother (Ahmad) tries to join this group (Khaled) refuses, he is trying to stop him, but he joins, and one day arise a dispute between (Ahmad) and one of the members of this community, (Ahmed) get killed, (Khalid) go mad who seeks reven...$神叨叨的动作片$很少看过埃及电影,更没想到也有拍到有深度的片子,有教义有信仰有背叛有引诱,这么多矛盾处理,中东的视角。难得看到拍得有智慧度。$恐怖袭击的一部片子,真看不下去,感觉贼无聊。我还是觉得自己的祖国好,最安全的中华人民共和国,加油中国。$是我喜欢的类型片,异域风情,动作,剧情。$打打杀杀,战争促使人类泯灭…………