Mike may always be wandering, but you’d hardly call him a man on the move. His stamping ground is modest, the strip of suburbia between his mom’s house in New Jersey and the pizza place where he works. Mike’s no great conversationalist and isn’t big on direction either, preferring to let things happen than making them happen himself. Feeding a neighbour’s dog, bumping into a fr...$片如其名,几乎每一场戏和每一个相遇都仅点到即止,呈现出居无定所的状态。$典型的Dry comedy。摄于新泽西的郊区。导演说拍完,这个社区就被gentrification毁了。主角大半时间在睡觉。在自己公寓的地板上睡,被踢出去后在朋友家的阁楼里睡,睡前盯着草间弥生风格的台灯。北美无聊美学又有一点新电影。 #mdff2017$今天看的第一部片,难看死了,超级干巴巴,竟然没睡着,奇迹