
又名:不完美的精彩 / In My Eyes





《盲行者》(2018)字幕下载 / 又名《不完美的精彩 / In My Eyes》中文字幕下载

After losing his eyesight as an eight-year-old, Cao Shengkang was abused for years by his parents and relatives, all of whom regarded a blind child as an intolerable burden on the limited resources of a peasant family. It would be many years before Cao gradually learned to love again. Only after the birth of his young daughter; Fanfan did Cao finally begin to heal and rediscover what happiness feels like. All his adult life Cao has worked hard to send money home to his family, despite a lack of appreciation and constant demands for more from his parents. However, the central dilemma of Cao's life has little to do with his blindness. Cao finds himself caught between his longing for personal fulfillment and the traditional demands of Chinese society in which every man and woman is expected take responsibility for the well-being of their entire family - even at the expense of their own dreams and ambitions. And it's this seemingly irresolvable conflict that weighs most heavily on Cao's troubled conscience. 'IN MY EYES' permits us to watch as Cao struggles every day of his life to appease two conflicting demands; those imposed upon him by his family and those that are self-imposed - to satisfy his personal ambitions and his yearning for self-fulfillment. And as the endgame plays out Cao finally understands how far he must go to gain his dignity - and we gradually come to understand the tragedy and the triumph of a life well-lived.


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