该剧根据Blair Tindall撰写的回忆录《丛林中的莫扎特:性爱、毒品和古典音乐》(Mozart in the Jungle: Sex, Drugs & Classical Music)改编,描述了纽约交响乐团的「幕后故事」——当乐团在台上演奏气势恢弘的交响乐时,人们会为之倾倒,可是谁又能想到幕后发生着什么?有艺术的奉献精神,有创意的碰撞,有尔虞我诈的心理游戏,有勾心斗角的政治活动,还有残酷的生存本能……当乐团在台上演奏气势恢弘的交响乐时,人们会为之倾倒,可是交响乐舞台的背后到底发生了什么。有艺术的奉献精神,有创意的碰撞,有尔虞我诈的心理游戏,有勾心斗角的政治活动,还有残酷的生存本能。by:pinihd.comTo the outside, Rodrigo's tenure as the new maestro is a roaring success, but the conductor is having doubts. Meanwhile, Hailey works to replace herself as Rodrigo's assistant so she can focus on her new position as substitute in the oboe section.