开膛街 第三季Ripper Street(2014)

又名:喋血街头 第三季

主演:马修·麦克费登 杰罗姆·弗林 亚当·罗森博格 

导演:汤姆·森兰 安迪·威尔逊 编剧:Richard Warlow

开膛街 第三季:剧情介绍

维多利亚时代犯罪剧《开膛街(Ripper Street)》设置在1889年开膛手杰克案发生后六个月。这部剧因收视低下被BBC在第二季结束时砍掉,但最近亚马逊宣布负责“救剧”,在它的支持下,第三季将于2014年5月开拍,并于亚马逊首播后,再登陆BBC。
Plot Summary:Four years have passed. Rose is now an established music-hall performer and Susan has financed a clinic. Abberline is keen to promote the recently-widowed Reid and replace him with Drake, also an inspector, but Reid prefers to stay in Whitechapel, building up resources. A gang led by a man called Davies bribes embittered ex-signalman Enright to help them rob a train but this leads to a head-on collision with another train on which Drake is a passenger. Fifty-five people die. Reid and Drake team up with Jackson to pool their knowledge and instincts and to arrest the gang. However the mastermind is Susan's solicitor Caldwell and she is shocked when he tells her that he did it to gain badly-needed finances for the clinic though she keeps his secret on the condition he returns the money. Reid has his suspicions about Caldwell.

开膛街 第三季的影评列表

阿拉蕾 • 既想寻找正义、又三观不正。又当又立比明牌恶人更让人厌恶。

混乱地区只能用非常方法管理没毛病, 但是主角作为探长既口里又正义又被人一骗就去杀人。虽然这个系列已经

Mutiny • 19世纪杂乱众生相----第三季简直心塞佳作


梁大喵 • 这是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代。

这三季,不仅仅是罪案剧,也是一个微缩的近代发展史,19世纪伦敦浮世绘。 “这是最好的时代,也是最坏的

安喵 • 我们即深渊。

第五季,全剧终。 一部超赞英剧。 (默默承包达西的眼睫毛~) 背景是十九世纪末维多利亚大工业时代的伦

诸葛福媛 • 罪恶永无厌绝,而你可安歇

Edmund Reid: Obituary London will remember him for

Xc • 这原本可以成为《开膛街》的结局……
