狗的难题The Dog Problem(2006)


主演:Scott Caan Don Cheadle Lynn Co 

导演:Scott Caan 


苏洛(斯科特·凯恩 Scott Caan 饰)是一个饱受精神问题折磨的男人,在医生诺曼德(唐·钱德尔 Don Cheadle 饰)的建议下,苏洛决定养一条狗。狗狗的存在的确给予了苏洛心灵上的一些治愈,但同时也给他带来了一些麻烦。   某日,苏洛在街上遛狗时,他的狗被另一只大狗给咬了,大狗的主人是一个名叫萝拉(琳恩·柯林斯 Lynn Collins 饰)的脱衣舞女。苏洛需要带自己被咬伤的狗去看医生,可是,囊中羞涩的苏洛无法负担高昂的医药费,于是,他决定向始作俑者萝拉借钱。就这样,苏洛和萝拉之间产生了交集,随着时间的推移,两人之间的关系产生了微妙的变化。
Plot Summary:In Los Angeles, a depressed writer named Solo has writer's block after a successful first book of which he's ashamed, and he's broke, thanks to a year in classical psychoanalysis. In their final session, his therapist suggests that he gets a pet, so Solo buys a scrawny terrier that adds to his problems: the dog isn't house-trained; he owes money to a thug who's angry; at a dog park, he begs a woman he's just met to pay the veterinarian's bill when the dog is bitten; and his friend Casper has introduced him to a persistent rich girl who decides that she wants the dog. He could sell, settle his debts, and return to life with a clean carpet, or he could figure out why he doesn't want to part with the dog.


安生 • 再穷也要养只狗。

在我的生命中出现过那么几只狗 很可爱 很好玩 死了一只 跑了一只 到最后我不知道 我到底是更爱狗

AD • loser‘s story

永远喜欢看失败者的故事, 因为看了以后让人觉得自己混的还不错, 没钱, 精神崩溃,的作家, 脱衣舞女

oman • 勇敢去爱
