两兄弟Jack & Bobby(2004)

主演:马特·朗 罗根·勒曼 约翰·斯拉特里 凯莉·林·普拉特 克里 

导演:Greg Berlanti 


本剧展示了 2041 年至 2049 年担任美国进步派总统鲍比・麦卡利斯特 (Bobby McCallister) 的早年生活。
Plot Summary:Faux documentary series from 2049 about Bobby McCallister, the US president elected eight years earlier, and his older brother Jack. Talking head interviews with Bobby's staff are combined with reenactment footage of the McCallisters' teenage years, dealing with a pot smoking mother and typical high school drama. Also explored is Jack's tentative romance with Courtney Benedict.


funny_vee • 美国总统的成长烦恼

毫无疑问,美国伟大的总统都有惊人的意志……和弱点。复杂的人性,难以肩负的任务。 你能用一张照片讲清