清除黑历史Clear History(2013)



主演:乔恩·哈姆 伊娃·门德斯 凯特·哈德森 迈克尔·基顿 比尔· 

导演:格雷格·莫托拉 编剧:Larry David/Alec Berg/David Mandel/Jeff Schaffer


内森(拉里·戴维 Larry David 饰)本来是一家电动车公司里的营销主管,然而,在和老板威尔(乔·哈姆 Jon Hamm 饰)大吵一架之后,内森遭到了解雇。因为这一宗意外,导致内森之后的人生全部都乱了套,没了工作,牵连到婚姻也划上了休止符。十年之后,形单影只的内森躲在一个偏僻的小岛上,过着隐姓埋名的生活。   一天,内森震惊的发现,自己的前老板也来到了小岛上,他要在这里装修他的度假别墅。十分憎恨前老板的内森决定对他进行报复。内森想方设法混进了施工队,想要从中破坏,随着时间的推移,工头麦肯齐(菲利浦·贝克·霍尔 Philip Baker Hall 饰)、前女友温蒂和好友弗兰克等人都被卷进了这场闹剧之中。
Plot Summary:A PR specialist refuses to market a car called a "Howard" - a colossal error that loses him a billion dollars and makes him a national joke. He loses his hair, shaves his beard, takes a new name, and moves to Martha's Vineyard. Jump ten years: "Rolly" is a popular local whose sangfroid evaporates when the Howard's inventor moves to the island. Rolly, his old self unrecognizable, hatches a plan to rid the island of his nemesis; he also decides to woo the billionaire's wife. Fellatio, a former girlfriend, a woman who's lost weight, her boyfriend, the band Chicago, a menacing Chechen, a bus load of ill children, and a pair of ne'er-do-wells with experience with explosives figure in the story.


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