黑色圣诞节Black Christmas(2006)

又名:绝命圣诞夜 / 女生惊魂记 / Black X-Mas


主演:凯蒂·卡西迪 米歇尔·崔切伯格 玛丽·伊丽莎白·温斯特德  

导演:Glen Morgan 编剧:Glen Morgan


20世纪70年代,体弱多病的小男孩比利(Cainan Wiebe 饰)降临人间,他不曾感受到父母的温暖,反而自幼备受虐待。他的母亲(Karin Konoval 饰)甚至串通情人杀害了比利的父亲,而这一切都被这个只有5岁大的小男孩看在眼里。可怜的比利从此被母亲囚禁阁楼,度过了黑暗而漫长的童年时代。某个圣诞夜,长成青年的比利(Robert Mann 饰)逃出樊笼,并将母亲和继父残忍杀害,而同母异父的妹妹爱格尼丝(Dean Friss 饰)也被弄瞎一只眼睛。   15年后,比利家早已废弃的房子被改造成某学校的校外宿舍,八个青春靓丽的女生以及舍监芭芭拉(Andrea Martin 饰)住在这里。但她们很快发现,传说中的凶残比利似乎就在自己身边……
Plot Summary:In the 70's, the boy Billy is born with yellow skin due to a liver disease and his dysfunctional mother rejects him. Later he witnesses his mother and her lover killing his beloved father and burying him in the basement of their house, and he is locked in the attic alone along his childhood. When he is a teenager, he is sexually abused by his mother and she has a baby girl called Agnes. During Christmas, the deranged Billy escapes from his imprisonment, kills his mother and stepfather and blinds one eye of Agnes. He is declared insane and his sister is sent to an orphanage. In the present days, Billy escapes from the Clark Sanatorium to spend Christmas with his family. Meanwhile, his former house is the Delta Alpha Kappa sorority house in the campus of the Clement University, and the housemother and the sisters Kelli Presley, Dana, Lauren Hannon, Megan, Heather, Megan Helms, Melissa and Eve Agnew are preparing the house for Christmas party in a stormy night while Clair Crosby is in her room writing a card to bury the hatchet with her sister. When three sisters vanish, the others receive weird phone calls and believe something is wrong, but they find that they are trapped in the location.


缠绵流光中 • A Piece Of Shit

一个字概括本片:烂 我觉得无能的导演才最应该被片子中的比利虐杀,这样才能稍稍消减一点我看完本片的愤

小 街 坊
小 街 坊 • 仅仅是介绍

《绝命圣诞夜》:翻拍自1974年同名恐怖片[Black Christmas] 剧情简介   只有

御包子大人 • 为什么这么烂的凶手这么强
