嗜血狂犬The Breed(2006)



主演:Michelle Rodriguez Eric Lively 

导演:Nicholas Mastandrea 编剧:Robert Conte/Peter Wortmann


对年轻人约翰(奥利弗·哈德森 Oliver Hudson 饰)来说,世上似乎真的存在天上掉馅饼的美事。偶然机缘,他继承了叔叔在某小岛上的房子。为了庆祝这一时刻,约翰约请兄弟迈特(埃瑞克·李威利 Eric Lively 饰)及他们的女友、好哥们尼姬(米雪儿·罗德里格兹 Michelle Rodriguez 饰)、莎拉( 塔瑞恩·曼宁 Taryn Manning 饰)、诺亚(希尔·哈勃 Hill Harper 饰)。他们只顾沉湎于小岛的异域风情,却忽视了其背后隐藏的危险。不久,莎拉遭到疯狗的攻击,恐慌迅速在他们中间蔓延。原来岛上曾有一个犬类驯养所,小岛人去楼空,而感染了狂犬病的狗却幸存下来。   在这个隔绝的小岛上,这个几个年轻人成为恶犬狩猎的目标……
Plot Summary:When the bad boy John inherits an isolated house in an island, he invites his brother and student of veterinary Matt and his girlfriend Nikki together with their common friends Sara and Noah to fly with him in his hydroplane and spend a couple of days having good time in the place. Later Sara is attacked by a dog and they recall that in the other side of the island there was a facility for training dogs that had been shutdown to avoid a rabies outbreak. While walking through the woods, they find a man called Luke, who sailed with his girlfriend Jenny to the island, covered of blood and Luke is killed by a pack of hounds. The group runs to the house and the animals put the place under siege, and they try to find a means of escape. When the survivors reach the compound, they disclose that the dogs have been genetically redesigned to become a breed of killers.


夜电影观赏 • 万圣节前烂片

如果昆汀拍B级. . 那这部高片连Z 级都算不上。.根本不入品 大烂俗低成本惊悚片 忍着呕吐冲动跳完

ForeverFish • 很不佳

算的上是爛片, 看完後會讓你一無所得。 我是快轉過來的, 有時候我真恨這種可以濃縮成15分鐘劇情的

黄暴少女 • 很俗很不恐怖

很俗套,很不恐怖。 这种俗套被我归类为三部曲 看过《新丧尸出笼》《黑色星期五》的朋友可以

daan • 故事还是不错的。本可以很恐怖很恐怖

故事不错,海报不错,情节一般    狗狗估计都太友好,拍不出血腥场面,    最让人受不了的是,俊男

猫猫 • 只有狗狗加分

2006年,恐怖惊悚电影《繁殖 | The Breed》,当然我没懂电影名字什么意思,海报什么的