
又名:奇魔侠(台) / 印度先生 / 克里什


主演:佩丽冉卡·曹帕拉 赫里尼克·罗斯汉 纳萨鲁丁·沙 

导演:拉克什·罗斯汉 编剧:Robin Bhatt/Sachin Bhowmick/Honey Irani/Akarsh Khurana/Sanjay Masoom/拉克什·罗斯汉 Rakesh Roshan


延续了印度英雄罗希的故事:罗希得到外星人所赋予的超能力与智慧后,邂逅了一位美丽女子并生下儿子克里许那。然而因为一场交通意外,克里许那失去了双亲,和祖母相依为命。   当克里许那长大成人后,他发现自己除了从父亲身上遗传了俊俏脸庞外,竟同时拥有超能力,而这种力量将会改变他的一生。一次偶遇,克里许那爱上从新加坡来的少女琵莉亚,其后琵莉亚回国,克里许那伤心不已,祖母便建议他到新加坡去追寻自己的真爱。   一晚,克里许那与琵莉亚去欣赏一个马戏团表演,却发生了大火,堵住了所有的出口,把观众和马戏团团员都困在帐棚里。绝望的观众在火场中只能期待渺茫的奇迹。此时,克里许那马上化身为奇魔侠并发挥了他强大的力量,拯救了所有在场的人。   经此一役,克里许那领悟到他强大力量的背后,背负着保护大众的宿命,而这个宿命的最终任务,就是对抗邪恶博士,阻止他控制世界的骇人计划……
Plot Summary:Singapore-based Dr. Siddhant Arya recruits a superhumanly powerful Indian-born man named Rohit Mehra, who was given special powers by a blue-skinned alien named Jadoo, to build a computer that can forecast the future, which results in an accident that kills Rohit. When this news reaches Rohit's mother, Sonia, in India, she passes this on to Rohit's wife, Nisha, who has just given birth to a son named Krishna. However, Nisha, unable to handle this devastating news, passes away, leaving Krishna to be brought up by Sonia. When Krishna is enrolled in school, she notices that he has the same intellectual and physical powers that his father possessed, so in order to shield him from any harm, she moves to a secluded and remote area in a mountainous region of the country, where he grows up. Years later, Krishna has matured, has acquired the same special powers that his father had, and is also able to communicate with animals. He meets with a camper named Priya and is attracted to her. When she returns home to Singapore, she phones him to visit her so that she can introduce him to her mother so that they can get married. A thrilled Krishna travels to Singapore, despite Sonia's pleas; meets with Priya; and is all set to meet her mother, get married, and return home. What Krishna does not know is that Priya has lured him there so that she can exploit his superhuman powers on her TV network, Star Plus--and not only maintain her job but also get a promotion. It looks like the naïve and overly trusting Krishna may now be propelled straight into the hands of Dr. Arya, who is still alive and on the verge of creating a supercomputer that can forecast the future--and is quite capable of doing anything in his power to achieve this nefarious goal and project himself as the one and only God of the universe.


天地无用 • 惟美的画面


十二 • 这是不什么电影?

爱情片?不是。 歌舞片?不是。 动作片?不是。 科幻片?不是。 这个片子,什么也不是。。。。。

小熊 • 难道只有批评?


sunnymiracle • 相当不错的呀!

这是部印度片。 我只看过两部。 第一部,也是最喜欢的,看过几次的,是《缘约日记》。 根本不红也不好找

悦燃 • 我的天哪

我的天啊,我已经有十多年,没有看过这么幼稚的电影了…………吧! 硬着头皮看完。 纯粹是想看多两眼

会飞的绵羊11 • 《印度超人》:单纯的初恋,美好的故事

睿智的奶奶与自然的力量: 当一年级的克什纳展现出惊人的才智,让学校校长感到震惊时,克什纳的奶奶却

猫猫 • 外星人的馈赠,印度的超级英雄。

2006年,动作爱情科幻冒险电影《印度超人 | Krrish》 其实说起来也算不上超人啦,只是翻译

路易十五 • 印度超人不太超

刚开始,还以为是好莱坞的又一部大片, 后来发现,原来是宝莱坞的又一部大片。 咦,我怎么用又字呢? 可

懒猫爱睡觉觉 • 没有好歌舞的宝莱坞影片基本也就废了

男主Hrithik Roshan的笑容真是可以迷死个人呐!!!不过糖吃多了也会觉得腻。看帅哥基本从片

这个男人来自地球 • 这是一部秀下限的超人片


张大爷 • 克里斯:科幻的泰山,歌舞的超人

我这人往往这样,心里想着什么事情,却没立马做,估计一两天后就没什么动力去做了。 《克里斯》是两天前