警察学校Police Academy(1984)

又名:金牌警校军 / 学警出更


主演:斯蒂夫·古根伯格 金·凯特罗尔 G.W.拜利 布巴·史密斯  

导演:休·威尔逊 编剧:休·威尔逊 Hugh Wilson/尼尔·伊斯雷尔 Neal Israel/Pat Proft


某市女市长突发奇想,下令不计教育背景、工作经历等,适龄的年轻人都可以报考警校。一时间,西班牙口音的花花公子乔治、擅长口技的乔维、懦弱的胖子巴巴拉、不爱红装爱武装的汤普森(金•凯特罗尔 Kim Cattrall 饰),以及被父亲好友里德上尉强制塞进警校的惹事泊车仔马哈尼(斯蒂夫•古根伯格 Steve Guttenberg 饰)等人涌向警察学院。与此同时,警校方面痛感严格传统的丧失,拉萨德校长令哈里和卡拉汉两教官在接下来的14周时间内对学员严加训练。这班背景各异的学员绝不是省油的灯,从武器痴迷者到夜夜化妆进入女寝寻欢的大情人无所不有,哈里少尉从学员中选出两人担任班长以配合自己的铁血教育,然而这一切都无法阻止一心求被开除的马哈尼的恶作剧……
Plot Summary:The year is 1984 and the mayoress has removed set personal criteria form the requirements to join the police force. No longer is sex, weight, height and orientation a factor. This now allows for an insurgence of people applying. The Police Academy series follows a select group of misfits in their quest to become police men and women. The first film of the series follows these misfits in their time at the Police Academy. The main focus is on a petty criminal called Mahoney. Mahoney is busted for criminal damage and as punishment is forced to go to Police Academy. Mahoney initially feels that this isn't the right place for him and he makes it his mission to be thrown out as he is not allowed to quit. As the classes go by and the training exercises are played out, Mahoney soon realizes that he is actually enjoying the academy and does want to become a police officer. We are also introduced to the gun maniac Tackelberry, the very tall Hightower, voluptuous Callahan, squeaky Hooks, human beat box and sound effects master Jones and the ever confuzzled Commandant Lassard. This group become good friends and become the base for the rest of the series of films.


稚龙初醒 • 警校生 大乱斗

全片讲诉了一群 性格迥异的警校生,经过各式各样的考验,最终成长为合格警察的故事。 片中,开局最被教官

JojO • 这是美国派的叔叔

美国派等校园喜剧很明显是这片的侄子辈 这个电影有几个关键字 苹果暴乱 慌不择路(特指两位班长)

败家老爷么 • 金牌警校军

很好笑的经典老片,以前小时候放过,没想到现在又找出来了,亮点实在是太多了,每个人物都非常有特点: 1

涅瓦纳 • Police Academy


Digging #
Digging # • 一系列共七集都是我的最爱


胡椒酱 • I Like It!


Maverick • 《警官学校》电影剧本

《警官学校》电影剧本 文/〔美〕保罗·玛斯朗斯基 译/程骊 1 一条繁华的大街。这里是这座城市的市中