
马男波杰克 第三季:Wild Horses

1. 关于社会现实的映射讽刺什么的: they're wearing out. 最开始是觉得很机智很想截图想quote的,但现在it's all just too real that it's not something I didn't know or needed pointing out to;
2. 不喜欢这种寥寥几个人物翻来覆去复杂关系的设定,常常有头没尾的单集情节,把侧重点放在人物关系上却没有什么太好的主线,让人提不起兴趣;
3. 实在是无法empathize主角的自怨自艾,maybe I'm supposed to feel bad for him maybe I'm supposed to hate him, 但很多时候我只能感觉到"I'm supposed to feel"而不是"I feel",所以听起来只是constant sulking and whining,好像“丧 without a cause”一样.
4. 我以为会是个很sarcastic很anti-lecture-giving的剧,但事实是越看越觉得很pro-message-delivering: 除了shoving down my throat BoJack's self-loathing, his own and others' perception of his personality and negativity之外,还绑定销售一些看起来很quotable的大道理 其实只是big empty words, now the lessons are just getting repetitive and meaningless


第四集 有人说像迷失东京一样:一个人在异国他乡的孤独感 像水下的切肤之寒,the impossibility and failure of communication 变成听不清的咕哝声 近在咫尺又触不可及的距离. 带着你离开 太妃糖工厂在身后完美炸开

第九集 Princess Carolyn QAQ 被这对欢喜冤家虐哭

第十一集 之前很不幸地被弹幕剧透Sarah Lynn死了,所以从她出场起毫无surprise,但仍然感到无比伤感:To say she's only a product of her time, of the social pressure on and the fetishisation of child&female stars, of the poisonous celebrity culture whatever would be too conclusive, but to say she's a self-made tragedy would be too ruthless as well. "Caught in the cross fire of childhood and stardom". 12集里说好像对很多人来说 他们总知道“她迟早会这样”,甚至不会叹惋—所以我们为什么会心疼她呢。Or do we. “我想当建筑师” “你说我现在去上大学晚吗” wasted and gone, thrown away, a brilliant life she could've lived, destroyed by we-know-not-what-or-whom, maybe being an architect has its own problems as well, maybe you can't escape life anyway you go, or maybe she did live a brilliant life already

季终最后一幕看得我热泪盈眶。Nina Simone–Stars

马男波杰克 第三季BoJack Horseman(2016)

主演:威尔·阿奈特 艾米·塞德丽丝 爱丽森·布里 保罗·F·汤普金 

导演:J·C·冈泽尔兹 编剧:拉尔菲尔·鲍勃-瓦克斯伯格 Raphael Bob-Waksberg

马男波杰克 第三季的影评

MadMan • 影响