重回蓝色珊瑚礁Return to the Blue Lagoon(1991)



主演:米拉·乔沃维奇 布莱恩·克劳斯 丽莎·帕里坎 Courtne 

导演:威廉·A·格雷厄姆 编剧:Henry De Vere Stacpoole/Leslie Stevens


莉莉(米拉•乔沃维奇Milla Jovovich 饰)和理查德(布莱恩•克劳斯 Brian Krause 饰)在他们还是小婴儿的时候就相遇了,不幸的是,他们所乘坐的游船发生了船难,全部的乘客,除了她两和一个幸运的女人外,全部都遇难了。三人漂流岛了一座荒岛之上,在那里,女人凭借着自己的智慧和伟大的母性将莉莉与理查德抚养长大,也就是说,这两个孩子从小到大都未曾体会过所谓的社会规则,是真真正正的“野孩子”。   随着年龄的增长,莉莉和理查德逐渐进入了青春期,朝夕相对的两人之间产生了纯洁的情感,他们发誓要相伴终生。一天,一艘船经过了他们所在的岛屿,船长的女儿对查理一见钟情。
Plot Summary:While the general theme of this film resembles "The Blue Lagoon" (the film for which this is a sequel), the basic plot is quite different. We open the film with a ship finding the craft with our original characters in it, Richard and Emmeline dead and Paddy alive. Established in the first film, the only word Paddy ever says is "Richard", so the crew assumes Richard is the infant's name. Taken in by Sarah, a widow with an infant baby girl Lilli, Richard (Paddy) is cared for in a return to civilization. Struck by cholera, the crew of the ship start to die and the captain sets Sarah, Richard, Lilli and a healthy crew member on a lifeboat in an attempt to preserve their lives. With water and food running short, the crew member escorting Sarah and the children becomes dangerous, so Sarah takes the only course of action she feels suitable to preserve the children: she strikes him and throws him overboard. Taking control of the small craft, she eventually guides them back to the island of the first film. The infant Richard, recognizing where he is, finds his home and is very upset not to find his parents. Fixing up the hut and settling in the children, Sarah begins their life on the island, slowly teaching the children survival tools, as well as schooling them as though they were in school, and teaching them slowly about the facts of life, including Lilli's eventual growth to womanhood. When Sarah dies from pneumonia, she leaves the children far more prepared than Richard and Emmeline in the first film. Years later as the children grow into adulthood, the film skims the same themes as the first of their developing relationship, and introduces the characters to civilization when a ship, low on fresh water, stops on their island and offers to take them home. After a confrontation with one of the crew and the captain's daughter, Lilli finds herself pregnant and they decide to stay, as they feel the civilization the visitors have to offer will not compare to the life they lead on the island.


依汾 • 那一份纯真唯美

  我不得不感动于那一份纯真与唯美。   这是一部怎样的影片!画面极美,人物极美,环境极美,心灵极

小渝儿MM • 爱上那片海


维拉的烦恼 • 本来应该就这么简单


牙箍 • 感觉怪怪的

貌似是延续80年波姬小丝版的Blue Lagoon,但是感觉人物、语言、画面都没有老版的唯美、干净,

看不见我 • 亚当和夏娃的故事

一男一女 两小无猜 遗落荒岛 远离文明 朴素原始的生活 其实整部电影都在高歌人类回归原始的理想 却

勾引者手记 • 算是《青春珊瑚岛 2》么?

记得当初的一部《青春珊瑚岛》让年仅15岁的波姬小丝一跃成为美国人心目中的大众情人 简单的故事,美丽