
又名:天高地不厚 / 乌龙大头兵


主演:比尔·默瑞 哈罗德·雷米斯 沃伦·奥茨 P·J·索尔丝 肖恩 

导演:伊万·雷特曼 编剧:Daniel Goldberg (I)/Harold Ramis/Len Blum


屋漏偏遭连夜雨的约翰·温格(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray 饰)不仅惨遭解雇,他的女友此刻也离他而去。前路渺茫的约翰在一时冲动下,说服了好友罗塞尔(哈罗德·雷米斯 Harold Ramis 饰)一起报名参了军。他们把军营想象成重塑自我的理想之地,却不曾料想到训练他们的是一个顽固又没有耐心的中士胡卡(沃伦·奥茨 Warren Oates 饰),队友更是各个平庸无能,常常做出很多让人啼笑皆非的囧事。两人为了追求漂亮性感的女宪兵斯泰拉(PJ·索尔丝 P.J. Soles 饰)和路易丝(肖恩·杨 Sean Young 饰),竟抢夺了一辆高科技军用车,意外的进入了苏联境内并卷入了一场国际事件。
Plot Summary:At the end of a very bad day when he realizes his life has gone and is going nowhere, John Winger is able to convince his best friend, Russell Ziskey, whose life is not much better, to enlist in the army, despite they not being obvious soldier material. In basic training, they are only two of a bunch of misfits that comprise their platoon. However, it is still John that is constantly butting heads with their drill sergeant, Sergeant Hulka. Two of their saving graces are Stella and Louise, two MPs who get them out of one scrape after another. Their entire platoon is in jeopardy of not graduating. But what happens during basic leads to their entire platoon being assigned to an overseas mission in Italy, to test a new urban assault vehicle, the EM-50 project. John and Russell decide to take the EM-50 for an unauthorized test drive to visit Stella and Louise who have been reassigned to West Germany. In the process, the rest of the platoon, Hulka, and Hulka's immediate superior, self-absorbed Captain Stillman, get caught unofficially behind enemy Communist lines in Czechoslovakia. John and Russell, with Stella and Louise's help, will have to show their true mettle as US army soldiers and in the process test the capabilities of the EM-50 to rescue their platoon without the rest of the US army knowing what's going on, and thus without any assistance beyond themselves.


桔子 • 老派点的幽默

BILL MURRAY 80年代的一部片子,讲述的是一个才思敏捷但毫无抱负的家伙,当他被解雇后,车被

电影筛子 • 人生苦短,抓紧现眼


老羊 • 杂牌军东征

杂牌军东征 这是俄罗斯人拍摄的?不,导演伊万·雷特曼生于捷克斯洛伐克(如今为斯洛伐克)的科马尔诺,他