一代情侣The V.I.P.s(1963)

又名:群英会 / 名流怨妇 / 大人物 / 大饭店


主演:伊丽莎白·泰勒 理查德·伯顿 路易斯·乔丹 爱尔莎·玛蒂妮利 

导演:安东尼·阿斯奎斯 编剧:泰伦斯·拉提根 Terence Rattigan


英国出品的机场版“grand hotel”(《大饭店》,1932年的美国电影,曾获第5届学院奖最佳影片奖),描述一场大雾造成伦敦机场的班机起降延误,多少富甲天下的上流社会人士因而发生了他们个人的重大变化。参加演出的除了令人艳羡的超级夫妻档Richard Burton和Elizabeth Taylor外,尚有当时的大明星Louis Jourdan、Margaret Rutherford、Orson Welles、Maggie Smith等。每个角色在片中都出奇的漂亮和富有,导演Anthony Asquith也卖力地经营VIP的高贵排场,以至忽略了故事内容的深入描写,其戏剧效果形胜于质,观众不妨把它当作大型的“名人行丁录"来欣赏。Margaret Rutherford更因本片而赢得第36届学院奖女配角奖和1964年金球奖最佳女配角奖。
Plot Summary:Awaiting at London Airport for a flight to New York, Frances Andros, seen off by her tycoon husband, Paul Andros, plans to leave her spouse for the arms of an aging international playboy, Marc Champselle. Les Mangrum, a self-made Australian businessman traveling with his loyal secretary, Miss Mead, must be in New York the following day to arrange the loan that will help him repel a hostile takeover of his tractor company. Max Buba, a film mogul traveling with starlet Gloria Gritti, must get out of England immediately or face ruinous British income tax. The Duchess of Brighton has taken a job as a hostess at an American holiday resort, thinking she will be able to keep her family estate on her new income. Fog descends and blurs the future for them all, forced now to wait in the airport hotel for morning and fair weather.


弦断秋风 • 理查德伯顿式颓废


弦断秋风 • 下一个劳伦斯奥利弗,下一个费雯丽

53年伯顿在老维克饰演哈姆雷特而大红大紫的时候,被认为是下一个劳伦斯奥利弗。 53年泰勒接替费雯丽演