James Burke主持制作的Connections系列科学历史系列片在1979年播出时,获得了当时历史上最高的纪录片收视率。此后在90年代和近年又制作了Connections 2和3,同样得到观众和评论界的好评。Connections系列采用侦探小说的手法,以人们日常生活司空见惯的科学、技术现象和产品为对象,追根溯源顺藤摸瓜,将人类科学技术的发展历史以极富趣味性的方式展现在观众面前,同时激发观众对当代科学技术背后的一切进行思索,在思想性、知识性和娱乐性方面都是科普领域不可多得的精品杰作。
Plot Summary:This series explores the various paths of how technological change happens and the social effects of these changes on Western society. To illustrate this, James Burke follows various timelines of how one innovation lead to something seemingly totally unrelated in the future such as how a 17th century Dutch cargo ship design lead to development of plastic in the 20th century.